Hudson and Hattie-Rexburg, ID Children's Photographer
I love these two little ones! It had been a while since I have had Hudson in the studio and at first he was a little cautious...but that is one of the things I love about him. He sits back and takes it all in and because of that I was able to get some of the sweetest, most honest expressions on his face. Little Miss Hattie also inherited the photogenic genes! We had to work hard to get a few smiles but when she smiles her entire face lights up! Smiles are great, but in all honesty I love the serious, contemplative looks on the faces of children in photographs...I am not one that thinks every photo has to have a smile...I like photos to be honest and these two kiddos blow me away every time I photograph them.
Красивые детки!
Super cute Leah!
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